Our 3-step approach enables your company to deplastify its activity.
Since 2019, as InOfff Plastic, we have been supporting food & beverage, consumer goods and cosmetic producers as well as retailers and hotels & restaurants worldwide to deplastify their activity.
We offer a comprehensive and personalized 3-step methodology to guide companies through their deplastification journey, regardless of their level of maturity in the upstream solutions:

Explore single-use plastic (SUP) challenges and opportunities
Design a deplastification strategy and relevant targets

#1 EXPLORE SUP challenges and opportunities.
In the exploratory phase, we provide practical and actionable tools to help companies gain a comprehensive understanding of single-use plastic issues and upstream solutions.
We keep you informed and compliant with the latest regulations and innovations, addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with plastic reduction and sustainable practices.
Our services include in-depth market studies and benchmarks on the reuse, bulk, and single-use non-plastic packaging industries worldwide. We deliver these insights in formats that best suit your company’s needs, such as detailed reports, newsletters, webinars, and in-house trainings. All our content is customizable to ensure it aligns perfectly with your company’s sector and products.
Want to stay ahead of the plastic regulations?
Check out some of our recent case studies
#2 DESIGN A deplastification STRATEGY
Building on the insights and assessments from the exploratory phase, we help companies design a tailored deplastification strategy.
Utilizing the initial assessment of your company's maturity and the newly gained knowledge on best practices and regulations, we create a concrete strategy with clear targets for reducing plastic use. This approach ensures compliance with regulations and provides a competitive edge.
We provide operational tools to:
Analyze and report on your single-use plastic footprint.
Define specific targets to achieve regulatory compliance and outperform competitors.
Our bespoke services include in-depth data analysis, benchmarks, and stakeholder consultations, tailored to fit your company’s needs.
In the deploy & scale phase, we support companies in trialing and scaling upstream solutions within their value chain and among stakeholders.
Using the insights and targets from the previous phases, we take the deplastification strategy we developed with you and put it into practice. We guide you through each step with pilot projects, surveys, and comprehensive support. We provide concrete and operational tools to:
Identify suitable upstream solutions and partners (e.g., packaging producers, transporters, cleaning partners) best suited for your activity.
Assess the financial and environmental viability of new distribution models or consumer experiences.
Test and replicate the feasibility and relevance of upstream solutions within your operations and evaluate their acceptability among stakeholders (e.g., consumers, suppliers, staff).
We launch pilot projects, conduct in-depth consumer surveys, and benchmark communication and marketing practices. We also structure new logistical protocols, publish replication toolkits, and provide operational support.
Our success stories