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Our Services

Our 3-step approach enables your company to deplastifiy its activity.


Our 3-step approach enables your company to deplastifiy its activity.


Since 2019, InOff Plastic supports food & beverage, consumer goods and cosmetic producers as well as retailers and hotels & restaurants worldwide to deplastify their activity.

Our 3-step methodology support all companies on their deplastification journey, regardless of their level of maturity - from the exploration of single-use plastic stakes and opportunities to the launch and scale of single-use plastic-free projects. 

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Explore single-use plastic stakes and opportunities

Design a plastic strategy and relevant commitments

Deploy & scale projects to reach your commitments

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#1 EXPLORE SUP Stakes and opportunities. 

In the exploratory phase, we offer concrete and operational tools for companies to gain knowledge and stay up-to-date with the regulations, innovations, stakes and opportunities on single-use plastic and upstream solutions.

We lead in-depth market studies and benchmarks on the reuse, bulk and single-use non plastic packaging industry across the world and we deliver these insights in the form that best fits the company's needs (reports, newsletters, webinars, in-house trainings). All of the content we share can be tailor-made so that it best fits your company's sector and products.

Check out some of our recent case studies

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InOff Plastic delivered a two-days training to 20 participants in Georgia on reuse and circular economy in packaging.


InOff Plastic supported food producers in getting a concrete understanding of the current stakes and opportunities of reusable packaging in France and in Europe more globally during a webinar.

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InOff Plastic supported New ERA and PlaNet Reuse in publishing a detailed overview of relevant publications on the viability and impact of scaling reuse systems.

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In the design phase we support companies to structure their single-use plastic strategy.

We offer concrete and operational tools for companies to:

  • Analyse and report on their single-use plastic footprint.

  • Define the targets they have to reach in order to meet with the regulatory requirements and to be in line with the work done by their competitors.

We lead in-depth data analysis, benchmarks and stakeholders consultations and we deliver these insights in the form that best fits the company's needs (reports, newsletters, webinars, in-house trainings). 



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The deploy & scale phase supports companies willing to trial or scale upstream solutions within their value chain and among their stakeholders.

We offer concrete and operational tools for companies to:

  • Identify the types of upstream solutions and partners (e.g. packaging producer, transporter, cleaning partner) which are best suited for their activity,

  • assess the financial and environmental viability of the new distribution model or consumer experience,

  • test and replicate the feasibility and relevance of upstream solutions within the company's operations and evaluate its acceptability among stakeholders (e.g. consumers, suppliers, staff).

We launch pilot projects, lead in-depth consumer surveys and benchmarks of communication and marketing practices, structure new logistical protocols, publish replication toolkits and provide operational support. This can be achieved in the form of reports, webinars, in-house trainings and on-site meetings.

Check out some of our recent case studies

InOff Plastic supported the French retailer Système U in setting up two reuse pilots in its stores to offer reusable packaging on a selection of beverages.


InOff Plastic supported Beyond Plastic Med to publish a white paper to accelerate the single-use plastic-free transition of the hospitality sector.

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