Since September 2022, Planet Reuse - the platform and network bringing together all professional in the field of reuse and reusable packaging - has attracted 600+ members across 380+ organisations!
🏆 We are also proud to announce that Planet Reuse is moving to the next phase by launching its programme: REUSE GOES FURTHER. This programme aims to accelerate the growth of the reuse community in all part of Europe in order to learn from each other's experiences, build a common European understanding, and foster collaborations - enabling reuse to become the norm rather than a niche.

💪🏽 Planet Reuse's vision is to facilitate society to transition from linear to circular packaging systems in all part of Europe. With the support of the EURopean ENvironment Initiative (EURENI), Planet Reuse aims to implement and especially scale reuse models and expand reusable packaging infrastructure in all of Europe starting with Poland and Estonia in the coming months and planning to expand to more countries in the next two years. For example, by providing a working space for collectives that want to collaborate on (sub-)topics, including ‘hubs’ where actors from a specific region or in a specific language can interact. The beneficiaries of this project will be initiatives, municipalities and companies striving for waste and single-use packaging prevention in all parts of the Europe. 📌 In order to achieve those goals we have defined 3 outcomes:
Users of the platform are aware and gain in-depth knowledge and understanding on the availability and function of reusable packaging systems.
Regional multipliers exchange knowledge and practical expertise on the availability, function and framework condition of reusable packaging solution and make such solutions visible.
Members of the platform perform cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaborations in order to set up a functioning regional network on reusable packaging and solve common challenges.
To meet those outcomes, we are looking forward to meet and exchange with reuse experts and solution providers in all of Europe starting with Poland and Estonia.
👉🏼 Get in touch with us should you wish to be part of the journey!