Single-use packaging production is expected to continue to grow in the next ten years, leading to severe environmental issues:
A significant increase in waste generation that recycling efforts cannot combat,
An unsustainable consumption of raw materials.
Reusable packaging can significantly support recycling efforts by keeping resources in their supply chain and providing raw material independence. Yet, navigating the reusable packaging landscape is complex and fraught with challenges. Stakeholders, from producers and solution providers to policymakers and investors, often find themselves in a maze of uncertainty—lacking clear insights into best practices, economic viability, and regulatory environments.
Producers need to understand the landscape of reusable solutions as they transition away from single-use packaging. Reuse solution providers seek knowledge about industry best practices and the common challenges to scaling up. Both groups require support from policymakers and investors to surmount these obstacles. Investors, in turn, seek clarity on the economic sustainability of these initiatives, while policymakers need detailed data to craft supportive regulations.
In response to these pressing needs, InOff Plastic, in collaboration with New ERA, Zero Waste Europe and Planet Reuse, is proud to unveil the first-ever European Reuse Barometer. This groundbreaking resource aims to illuminate the path for all stakeholders by providing comprehensive insights into the economic, environmental, and social impacts of reusable packaging solutions across Europe.
Amidst rapid growth in e-commerce, takeaway services, and consumer demand for convenience at low costs, single-use packaging production has significantly increased. This trend is projected to continue over the next decade, exacerbating serious environmental issues. The surge in single-use packaging not only boosts resource and material consumption but also leads to a sharp rise in waste volume and its associated environmental impacts.
Today’s packaging production increase has a two-fold effect. It overwhelms waste-management systems and renders us more dependent on raw materials. While the focus has predominantly been on recycling as a solution, this approach has largely been ineffective both in terms of tackling the waste nor to reduce the dependency on the raw materials.
The most viable solutions are upstream. Prioritizing reuse over recycling can significantly mitigate the environmental impact of packaging tackling both aspects of the problem. This strategy is not only recommended but is also ranked above recycling in the EU waste hierarchy. Empirical evidence supports that reusable packaging often surpasses single-use alternatives in environmental performance.
However, while current regulations such as the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) are a step in the right direction, they need to be more robust and ambitious to effectively catalyze the transition to reuse. Recent regulatory efforts have disproportionately focused on developing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes and recycling deposit systems, leaving reusable packaging solutions underdeveloped and struggling to scale. This stagnation is reflected in the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's latest report, which shows that the share of reusable packaging among its Global Commitment signatories has remained below 2%.
What is the European Reuse Barometer?
The primary goal of the European Reuse Barometer is to accelerate the development, scaling, and adoption of reusable packaging across Europe. The Barometer is designed to assist all stakeholders involved in the transition to reusable packaging—from solution providers seeking expansion, to producers transitioning away from single-use options, investors backing sustainable initiatives, and policymakers crafting supportive regulations.
Annually, it will evaluate the economic, environmental, and social impacts of reusable packaging options, capturing the industry’s current state and evolution. This comprehensive analysis not only highlights best practices and key challenges but also aims to close the data gap in the reusable packaging sector. This effort supports stakeholders in making informed decisions that propel the industry forward.
The first edition of the Barometer represents a significant step in ongoing data collection, offering an in-depth look at the European reusable packaging landscape and emphasizing the necessity for continuous data enhancement.
How was the data collected
For this inaugural edition, the ERB benefited from InOff Plastic’s ever-growing database that holds 381 reusable packaging solutions throughout Europe. An online survey was distributed to all 381 solutions with questions covering economic, social, and environmental queries along with qualitative indicators, which included best practices, challenges, and operational recommendations shared by solutions. The final version included data from the 90 respondents. The survey was followed by ad-hoc email and phone conversations to provide further insights into these solutions.
Key Findings and Next Steps
The inaugural European Reuse Barometer highlights a thriving reuse industry, with a surge in new reusable packaging solutions across takeaway, retail, and e-commerce sectors. This vibrancy is evident as nearly all companies involved plan to expand their teams, reflecting a robust financing need of 835 million euros.
Consumer engagement is high among those already using reusable packaging, with about 80% of solutions experiencing return rates higher than 75%. This is despite the requirement for consumers to actively return the packaging. To further increase participation, the industry is innovating to make reusable packaging more convenient and affordable, enhancing its appeal compared to single-use options.
What's next?
The main objective of this first edition of the Barometer is to support the development and scale of the reusable packaging industry and to serve as a baseline and blueprint for further editions. We are now seeking feedback, collaborations and fundings to improve the 2025 version.
If you want more information, if you need support, if you want to collaborate on those topics or share feedback on this first version please reach out to us! It would be a pleasure to discuss this topic further!
It would be a pleasure to discuss this topic further!
Want to know more?
Follow this link to watch the replay of webinar where we presented some of the key findings of the Reuse Barometer