As it is clear we can no longer only recycle our way out of the single-use plastic waste crisis, deplastifying activities is now crucial for companies!

Laws are pushing companies to reduce the number of single-use plastic (SUP) products and packaging they put on the market and to ensure their packaging is recyclable.

In the face of rising material prices, by 2024, reusable packaging could be cheaper than single-use packaging (WEF, 2023).

Consumers are increasingly aware of packaging waste issues and are asking companies to improve how they sell their products.

We as InOff Plastic support companies in deplastifying their activities by replacing their single-use plastic packaging and products with upstream solutions, including:

Reusable packaging
Single-Use Plastic Alternatives
Selling products in bulk
We personalize our support depending on our clients' maturity on upstream solutions. Our strategy consists of three main phases:
Train your teams on single-use plastic's challenges and opportunities.
Design a deplastification strategy and set up relevant targets.
Deploy & scale upstream projects to reach your targets.